Jim Conner
have been blessed to Partner with local Leaders from the majority world
to develop business models for innovative ministries that bring
sustainable, locally funded change in some of
the poorest villages and communities in the world. This brings
together for me a life time time of experience and education. Having a
group of active and retired business executives who meet regularly with
these leaders in a bible study and have poured their
years of knowledge into them with strategic questions and insights has
also been an amazing resource and blessing.
Informal Education
2007 I have been blessed to meet, work with, and visit the home
countries of established leaders from all over the developing world and
learn from them about their passions and vision
to see their communities transformed. I have visited nineteen countries
and have friends from many more. Each time we travel we come to learn.
Growing up
grew up in a multicultural community in Northern California that was
diverse economically and ethnically, my friends were from India, Greece,
Italy, Eastern Europe, Central America,
and African Americans. New Immigrants joined our schools on a regular
Formal Education
studied Economics and Religious studies at Westmont College, I
graduated from Westmont College with a degree in Religious Studies with
an emphasis in Missions. After working in the Finance
Industry and Silicon Valley, I went on to complete a Masters of
Divinity degree at Fuller Seminary.
have served as the pastor in two churches in the past twenty four
years, where we strategized and implemented unique visions to impact our
changing communities. In the Community Church
of Granger Indiana we led hundreds of people from young families and
youth to know and serve Jesus Christ and then commissioned them to serve
in al the places God called them through their careers. At Arcadia
Community Church we saw God lead to make an established
church Multi-ethnic with more than twenty languages represented in the
English service and partnered to start ten language specific churches.
Those churches went on to plant twenty eight more churches around the
globe, from Australia and Canada to Syria and
the Middle East.
Vision and Success
our work with Established leaders continuing their Education at
International Theological Seminary In Los Angeles, we have been educated
and become active participants in Locally
Funded Community transformation using a business model that attaches a
local Board that over sees the ministries and business ventures that are
founded to support them.
Related service
have served on the board of International Theological Seminary since
2013 and was recently elected as the chair of the Board of Trustees.
What's next
goal of 'Transforming Poverty' is to take what we ha e learned and
assist other churches and mission groups and emerging business leaders
to make sustainable change through strategic
short term capital seed investment in communities and mission work
around the world. We are praying for one thousand villages to be
sustainably transformed in the next five years, that will then go on to
transform another community.
Growing Gap
practice of western aid and supplemental ongoing payments has created
unwanted negative affects on local economies and ministries causing them
to limit their vision and fostering practices
that deplete local economies and leadership structures.
Amazing People Amazing Mission
has placed in each community the people who can change that community
they are the future servant leaders whose Vision and success as;
doctors, teachers, nurses, lawyers and Government
leaders is waiting to be released, through education and economic
empowerment as followers of Jesus Christ.
am the proud father of four children, two sons finishing High School, a
daughter who recently graduated from Biola and another daughter
studying at USC.